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Where is AirSculpt Technologies’ corporate headquarters?
AirSculpt Technologies’ headquarters: 1111 Lincoln Road, Suite 812 Miami Beach, FL 33139
Who is AirSculpt Technologies’ outside legal counsel?
AirSculpt Technologies outside counsel is McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Who is AirSculpt Technologies’ independent auditor?
AirSculpt Technologies auditors are Grant Thornton LLP
When did AirSculpt Technologies go public?
AirSculpt Technologies began trading on October 29, 2021
What is AirSculpt Technologies’ ticker symbol?
AirSculpt Technologies’ ticker symbol is AIRS
On what exchange does AirSculpt Technologies trade?
AirSculpt Technologies trades on the Nasdaq Capital Market (NASDAQ)
When was AirSculpt Technologies founded?
AirSculpt Technologies was founded in 2012 with the goal of delivering the absolute best body contouring results and patient experience possible
When is AirSculpt Technologies’ fiscal year ended?
AirSculpt Technologies’ fiscal year ends on December 31
Does AirSculpt Technologies pay dividends?
The company currently does not pay a dividend
Who is AirSculpt Technologies’ transfer agent?
AirSculpt Technologies’ transfer agent is Computershare
Whom do I contact with questions regarding AirSculpt Technologies’ shares and/or dividends?

AirSculpt Technologies’ transfer agent, Computershare, can help you in a variety of shareholder-related services including change of address, lost stock certificates, stock transfer, account status and other administrative services.

You can contact our transfer agent at:

By Regular Mail:
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006

By Overnight Delivery:
150 Royall St.
Canton, MA 02021

Telephone (Domestic): 866-229-8416; (International): +1 201-680-6578

Shareholder website: Shareholder online inquiries:


How do I obtain investor materials?
AirSculpt Technologies’ investor materials can be viewed or downloaded from this website
Who are AirSculpt Technologies’ board of directors
Click Here to view the board of directors
Does AirSculpt Technologies have a direct stock purchase plan?
The company does not offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
You can contact AirSculpt Technologies Investor Relations via email at
Where can I find all of the SEC filings for AirSculpt Technologies? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the Financials section of the Elite Body Scupture’s Investor Relations website: SEC Filings or directly from the SEC:
How do I get added to AirSculpt Technologies’ email distribution list?
Please refer to the Investor Resources section of the IR website and sign up electronically under Email Alerts. You will receive all news releases as soon as they are posted on the website.